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埋藏阴茎Buried PenisJLY宋宝林医生














































Buried Penis in ChildrenJLY宋宝林医生

What is a buried penis?JLY宋宝林医生

The penis is wrapped in a sheath of skin. Usually, the skin is evenly distributed around the entire penis, down to the scrotum. However, some boys are born with skin that unevenly covers the penis. There is less skin on the part of the penis closest to the scrotum. The penis also hides within the fat inside the lower part of the belly. This is called a ‘buried penis’. Doctors also call it hidden or concealed penis.JLY宋宝林医生

In most children, buried penis is a condition that will get better by itself.JLY宋宝林医生

Boys are born with a buried penis (congenital). There can be many causes, which include:JLY宋宝林医生

·         problems with the skin and fat layers surrounding the penis of a developing fetus.JLY宋宝林医生

·         too much fat on top of pubic bone, which is common in young babies.JLY宋宝林医生

·         not enough skin on the side of the penis that faces the scrotum (scrotal “webbing”).JLY宋宝林医生

At what age does buried penis occur?JLY宋宝林医生

Doctors can usually diagnose buried penis in babies up to 2 years of age.JLY宋宝林医生

What are the signs of buried penis in babies?JLY宋宝林医生

·         Often, parents are concerned because the penis seems too small. It may also complicate proper hygieneJLY宋宝林医生

·         The foreskin may puff and expand when the baby urinates. If this happens constantly, babies may dribble urine continually. Also, the child may have trouble directing their stream properly while toilet training.JLY宋宝林医生

Adolescents with buried penis are usually obese. Older children are usually referred to treatment because of cosmetic reasons. An adolescent with a buried penis may experience:JLY宋宝林医生

·         pain or difficulty urinating (dysuria). Inflammation of the foreskin (balanitis) can also happen.JLY宋宝林医生

·         trouble directing their urinary stream because of difficulty holding the penisJLY宋宝林医生

·         embarrassment in the locker room.JLY宋宝林医生

·         difficulty with proper hygiene.JLY宋宝林医生

Treatment for buried penisJLY宋宝林医生

Most cases of buried penis do not require any sort of treatment. It usually improves spontaneously over time.JLY宋宝林医生

The buried penis can be successfully treated by:JLY宋宝林医生

·         applying the anti-inflammatory medicine, betamethasone, to the area.JLY宋宝林医生

·         manually pulling the foreskin several times each day.JLY宋宝林医生

Many different surgical techniques can also help. One surgical option is circumcision during the first month after birth. Talk to your child’s doctor to learn about possible treatment options for your child.JLY宋宝林医生

What are the possible surgical complications?JLY宋宝林医生

There are few complications. If they do occur, most are temporary.JLY宋宝林医生

·         During the healing process, scar tissue inside the skin can sometimes stick together (adhesions). Or, extra connective tissue can build up (fibrosis). Both can pull the penis back in again and bury it.JLY宋宝林医生

·         Swelling of the penisJLY宋宝林医生

·         Pain during an erectionJLY宋宝林医生

·         Poor graft healing, flap necrosis or complaints of decreased sensitivity in the grafted area.JLY宋宝林医生

·         Persistent overgrowth of the skin covering the penisJLY宋宝林医生

·         Belly fat re-accumulatesJLY宋宝林医生

Buried penis can cause emotional distress in childrenJLY宋宝林医生

Children with buried penis are at risk for psychological and social trauma. Obese boys with a buried penis may feel ashamed of their bodies. As a result, they withdraw socially. Surgery may relieve anxiety and improve self-image. However, it is a good idea for parents to first encourage obese boys with buried penis to lose weight before committing to surgery.JLY宋宝林医生

Key pointsJLY宋宝林医生

·         The penis is usually wrapped in a sheath of skin.JLY宋宝林医生

·         Buried penis happens when the skin unevenly covers the penis. The penis also hides within the fat inside the lower part of the belly.JLY宋宝林医生

·         Doctors diagnose buried penis in babies up to the age of 2 years old.JLY宋宝林医生

·         Adolescents may experience pain or difficulty urinating, trouble directing their stream, and trouble with proper hygiene.JLY宋宝林医生

·         In most cases, buried penis will improve spontaneously over time.JLY宋宝林医生

·         Treatment options include surgery, applying bethamethasone cream, and manual pulling the foreskin every day.JLY宋宝林医生

·         Buried penis can cause emotional distress in children.JLY宋宝林医生


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