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遗尿(尿床)Enuresis (bedwetting)pUR宋宝林医生











•保存尿的能力延迟。 (这可能是一个直到约五岁的因素。)pUR宋宝林医生
































Urinary Incontinence or Enuresis (bedwetting)pUR宋宝林医生

What is urinary incontinence (enuresis)?pUR宋宝林医生

Urinary incontinence (enuresis) is the medical term for bedwetting. Incontinence is accidental or intentional urination in children who are at an age where they should be able to have control of their bladders. Girls usually obtain bladder control before boys. Incontinence may be diagnosed in girls older than age 5 and in boys who are older than age 6 who are still having urinary control problems. There are different types of bedwetting that may occur, including the following:pUR宋宝林医生

·Diurnal enuresis.Wetting during the day.pUR宋宝林医生

·Nocturnal enuresis. Wetting during the night.pUR宋宝林医生

·Primary enuresis. This occurs when the child has never fully mastered toilet training.pUR宋宝林医生

·Secondary enuresis.This occurs when the child did have a period of dryness, but then returned to having periods of incontinence.pUR宋宝林医生

Prevention & Risk AssessmentpUR宋宝林医生

What are some key facts about urinary incontinence?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics: pUR宋宝林医生

·Bedwetting affects 20 percent of 5-year-olds, 10 percent of 6-year-olds, and 3 percent of 12-year-olds.pUR宋宝林医生

·Nocturnal enuresis occurs two times more frequently in boys than in girls.pUR宋宝林医生

·Of the children with enuresis, most have wetting at night. pUR宋宝林医生

·Primary enuresis is the most common form of urinary incontinence among children.pUR宋宝林医生

What causes urinary incontinence?

There are many factors that may be involved, and many theories that are given for why children wet. The following is a list of some of the possible reasons for the problem:pUR宋宝林医生

·Poor toilet trainingpUR宋宝林医生

·Delay of the ability to hold urine. (This may be a factor up to about the age of five.)pUR宋宝林医生

·Small bladderspUR宋宝林医生

·Poor sleep habits or the presence of a sleep disorderpUR宋宝林医生

·A problem with the proper functioning of hormones that help to regulate urinationpUR宋宝林医生

·Most children who wet the bed have at least one parent or a close relative who also suffered from bedwetting as a child pUR宋宝林医生

·Medication that affects sleeppUR宋宝林医生


How is urinary incontinence diagnosed?

Urinary incontinence (enuresis) is usually diagnosed based on a complete medical history and physical examination of your child. In addition to talking with you and the child, your child's doctor may perform the following to help rule out other causes for the wetting:pUR宋宝林医生

·Urine tests (to make sure there is not an underlying infection, or condition, such as diabetes)pUR宋宝林医生

·Blood pressure measurementpUR宋宝林医生

·Blood testspUR宋宝林医生


What is the treatment for urinary incontinence (enuresis)?

Specific treatment for enuresis will be determined by your child's doctor based on:pUR宋宝林医生

·Your child's age, overall health, and medical historypUR宋宝林医生

·Extent of the conditionpUR宋宝林医生

·Your child's tolerance for specific medications, procedures, or therapiespUR宋宝林医生

·Expectations for the course of the conditionpUR宋宝林医生

·Your opinion or preferencepUR宋宝林医生

Prior to starting treatment, it is important to know that:pUR宋宝林医生

·The child is not at fault and should not be punished. The child cannot control the wetting.pUR宋宝林医生

·According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, after age 5 enuresis disappears naturally at a rate of about 15 percent of affected children each year.pUR宋宝林医生

Treatment may include:pUR宋宝林医生

·Positive reinforcement of the child (such as the use of sticker charts for dry nights)pUR宋宝林医生

·Use of night-time alarms to help tell the child when wetting is occurringpUR宋宝林医生

·Medications, as prescribed by your child's doctor (to help control the wetting)pUR宋宝林医生

·Bladder training to help increase the bladder size and the child's ability to know when they have to urinate (this is done by having the child wait as long as possible during the day to urinate and let the bladder get full)pUR宋宝林医生

·Decrease fluids (AAP suggests this approach if the child believes it helps) and avoid caffeine at nightpUR宋宝林医生

In addition, counseling of the child and family may help to determine any stress the child may be under.pUR宋宝林医生


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